I am first and foremost a husband and father to a wonderful family. I appreciate the opportunities and relationships I have been blessed to be a part of. I do not take life for granted and believe I am already on borrowed time to truly help me grasp the concept of living each moment to the fullest. I am inspired by relatives, mentors, peers and friends that continue to help me grow daily. This site is a web development playground where I can try new technologies and my personal / professional blog.
My hope is to leave a legacy my family would be proud of and look for the opportunities to be of service to my community. I am passionate about technology, business, charitable work and many active hobbies.
My passion and profession allow me to stay on the forefront of mobile apps and wearable technology development for popular platforms like iOS, iWatch, Android and Android Wear. I publish regular blogs on the topics.
As a Sales Director I have led teams of sales personnel in highly successful tech start-ups over the last decade growing top line revenue in excess of 80% year over year. My software development training has allowed me to excel at process engineering as a sales engineer and manager while staying on the bleeding edge of technology. I cover industry trends, tools and processes to achieve business development success.